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Relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Discover Our Natural Chiropractic Approach

wrist painAre you plagued by the discomfort of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)? The throbbing pain, tingling fingers, and weakened grip? It’s time to explore a natural solution that goes beyond just masking symptoms. Welcome to David Danon, D.C. – your partners in holistic wellness.

Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

CTS arises from repetitive actions like typing, texting, or assembly line work. Over time, these actions cause pain and injury, often leading to tingling or numbness in the hand and fingers. What many overlook is that this wrist woe might stem from dysfunctional joints in the neck, shoulder, elbow, or wrist.

Our Holistic Approach

At David Danon, D.C., we believe in addressing the root cause, not just the symptoms. Our gentle chiropractic care focuses on the problematic wrist and elbow, alongside adjustments to the upper spine. While rest, cold application, and exercises play a role, the key lies in correcting joint function. Brace yourself for a journey to realign your body for lasting relief.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I rely solely on wrist braces?

A brace offers temporary relief, but it’s the malfunctioning joints that need attention. Our chiropractic care delves deep, targeting the root cause for enduring results.

How many visits are needed for relief?

Progress varies, but we commit to a comprehensive approach. Results might take a few visits, but each one gets you closer to renewed vitality.

Can chiropractic help post-surgery cases?

Chiropractic care is potent before surgery becomes a necessity. If surgery’s in the past, our approach might not suit you. Seek us before making a life-altering decision.

Book an Appointment Today

Embark on a journey to conquer CTS naturally. Reach out to us for a no-obligation consultation. Your path to lasting relief starts here.


Unraveling CTS: The How and Why

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ensues when the median nerve gets compressed within the wrist’s narrow passage. This occurs due to:
Repetitive hand movement: Typists, assembly line workers, and those wielding vibrating tools bear the brunt, straining their wrists.

Anatomic factors: The wrist’s bone structure dictates tunnel space. A smaller tunnel raises the risk of nerve compression.

Medical conditions: Diabetes, arthritis, and hypothyroidism amplify risk. Even pregnancy triggers temporary pressure from fluid retention.

Revolutionary Techniques for Lasting Relief

Our arsenal of techniques includes:

  • Wrist Adjustments: Realigning and mobilizing wrist bones for optimal function.
  • Cold Laser Therapy: Reducing inflammation and accelerating healing.
  • Shockwave Therapy: Disrupting scar tissue, enhancing blood flow, and relieving nerve pressure.
  • Ultrasound Therapy: Promoting circulation, relaxing muscles, and fostering wrist recovery.
  • Tecar Therapy: Directing electromagnetic waves to boost healing through heat and inflammation reduction.

Your Role in Recovery

Our techniques flourish when combined with patient effort:

  • Ergonomic Education: Optimize workspaces and hand positions to prevent worsening symptoms.
  • Strengthening Exercises: Boost forearm and hand muscle strength, flexibility, and blood flow.
  • Nutritional Guidance: Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods and nerve-supporting supplements.
  • Wrist Support: Stabilize joints with braces for proper alignment during activities.

Speeding Up Recovery: What to Expect

Results vary based on health conditions, yet almost every patient feels immediate relief post-adjustment. The pressure reduction on the median nerve and surrounding structures triggers a noticeable difference.

Inspiring Success: Mark’s Story

Meet Mark, a construction worker burdened by constant CTS pain from using heavy machinery. Our tailored approach gently realigned his joints, complemented by InstaGel pain relief. In just two months, Mark experienced a significant shift, eliminating daily agony. Scheduled exercises and regular treatments empowered Mark to overcome the sharp pain and tingling that once tormented him.

Ready to cast aside CTS discomfort? Join David Danon, D.C. for a personalized, holistic journey to wellness. Book your consultation today and embrace a life free from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Encino, CA | (818) 990-0036